Approaching the new year, The team here at North Scooters have collectively decided we have moved past our original roots that our old branding embodied. Although we still have the same name, we believe our company has matured, and our logo needed to reflect said change, that is why, starting today North will now feature a new look.
Our products, ideologies and vision are still the same, and our commitment to growing and assisting the growth of the scootering industry, through events, rider support and innovation all remain embedded within North’s philosophy. Aside from a new look, we’re still the North you knew before.
With the help of Bror Svensson, North has received a complete rebrand, and we’re excited for everyone to see what we’ve changed:
From Bror:
"I took upon myself the creation of a new logo for North as my first task during my initial graphic design college-internship at North before i started working for them, Ethan Howell has had the idea of a logo-remodel for a while but never had the time to do it so when i was available it was a perfect job for me to take upon.
The old logo was fine, really nothing wrong about it, but we felt it didn’t really match the aesthetic and look that North was looking to move itself into more going forward. We wanted to create something more modern and simple that would be easier to incorporate into designs and graphics.
The design is a pretty simple looking pictorial mark-style logo showing a mountain range silhouette inside a circle, the design is drawn in a continuous one-line manner which makes it easy to do things like cutout on parts etc. since there are no holes in it.
It took me a couple weeks of going back and forth with the design team at North until we arrived at this final one. That might sound crazy to you if you've never worked on logos before, since it's such a simple looking little object, But that’s the hard part about it, creating a very simple symbol that manages to convey the brand's identity and image in a way that everyone likes the look of. I'm sure not everyone will be on board with this one at first, but give it some time and maybe your mind will be changed."
North Scooters