Ryan Ruegg Signature Wheels
With the recent release of his brand new signature wheels, we caught up with Ryan Ruegg to talk about life updates, wheel inspiration, and the process that went into getting these wheels made.
E: I guess first things first, How's life treating you in CT? With winter coming in hot, are you in hibernation mode? Or you got some big plans to make it through the season?
R: Things in CT are tough right now. I'm in the midst of getting my first apartment with my girlfriend Piper. It's been a struggle for me figuring out how I'm going to balance everything financially. I'm not in hibernation mode, I'm still trying to disc golf as much as I can. No big plans on how I'm going to make it through.
E: First place is huge! Stoked to hear about that boss. Disc golf season runs through the winter? I never clued into that, pretty tight. I also saw you've been doing some b2b sets with Matt, that was probably a month or two ago now, but any plans for future sets?
R: Yeee im super excited to get a spot of my own finally. It doesn't run all the way through winter unless you're on your eskimo shit. Yeah me and Matt did a b2b for the local skate shop Plush’ halloween party😈 it was a sick time for sure. I've got another party I'm DJing there two days before christmas for this local skate brand Be Easy. They have a new video premiering and me and the homie Jack are playing sets for the after party.
E: You’ve been active, that’s sick. Any plans for some sets to hit SoundCloud anytime soon, or are we talking exclusively, just something you gotta see live?
R: Trying my best to stay busy. I’ve thought about uploading mixes to soundcloud or something but then I’d have to upgrade to pro unlimited to be able to have the room on my account to upload and shiiiii moneys already tight tight so for now its just live sets only.
E: Fair enough, live only just has the stock value go up anyways. Another congratulations is definitely in order since you’ve got a new pair of signature wheels out now. How’s it feel having a pair of wheels to match the sig deck?
R: Yeeee thank you mane! It's a surreal feeling getting a signature wheel. The design is something I'm really hyped on and its sick to see a concept go all the way through the process into being a marketable product for north shoutout to Rex for the inspiration on the graphic
E: In the quick description on the site you mentioned how they’re your favourite tattoo artist, is there a specific piece it’s references, or just overall general style?
R: Yeah there's a few that I have on my body that resemble the style of the graphic specifically. Their ig is @fcknrx and I fully stole the swag from their work
E: Any solid reasons for the colourway? Or just went with what you were feeling at the moment? It’s a solid combo, but just wondering if there was anything more to it?
R: Yeah I wanted to go with black PU because it doesn't get weird and discoloured. I really like how the small yellow details look on the black when they're fresh
E: I completely agree. Solid choices all around for sure. I guess the last thing I’m wondering is, are we rocking the 24’s or the 30’s? What’s your take on the great wheel debate?
R: We rockin the big body 30s of course. Once you go wide you can't go back. I stand by that. They have so much more grip when you gotta make tight turns and you can monster truck over way crustier terrain without being bothered
E: One hundred percent agree. 30 forever. Thanks for taking the time to catch up with me. Before we wrap this up, any shoutouts you want to make, or any projects we should be on the lookout for?
R: Of course mane! shoutout everyone in my family and my friends that supports me and my silly ways. Mega ultra shoutout to all the people who have copped a pair of the wheels so far thank you so much it's so insane to see them randomly on peoples scooters that's the best part about having a signature product. I have a few projects I've been editing recently so yeah always be on the lookout for some video work : )
If you want to pick up a pair of Ryan’s new signature wheels, you can head over to this link to take you to their product page.