Q&A with Jon Devrind | May 15th, 2020

Q&A with Jon Devrind | May 15th, 2020

Q&A with Jon Devrind | May 15th, 2020

We took some time to go live on our Instagram with Jon Dev and ask him some questions sent in by all of you. We spent about an hour on the call and here’s what we were able to tackle. If you want to catch the full chat with video and audio in all of its glory, you can find it linked below, or if you’re more of the reader type, we’ve transcribed it below.


For clarity, The interview will be labelled throughout with the following:

J: Jon Dev  & E: Ethan Kirk


E:People are in here at 3am?


J: where is it 3 oclock in the morning?


E: probably somewhere in Europe


J: Let's get down to brass tax.


J: Hello, hello, I'm Jon Dev, this is Ethan Kirk, this is what we're doing here, we're talking, conversatin'

E: So the game plan today was to do a Q&A with you, so we got lots of questions to get to right off the bat, You want to start with a hard hitter?


J: Hit me with whatever buddy, I'm ready for anything.


E: Alright, Our boy Maciah Maruvakelba, he wants to know some tips on making video parts for sponsors?


J: Make a video part for yourself. There's a quote in Grind, where I don't know, have you seen that movie?


E: Where they put the box on the roof of the van?


J: Yeah dude, He just throws it in there, yeah, he's like "If you guys are any good, like somebody will find you". That's what I based my entire life off of. So just make a video part, it doesn't matter who it's for. and if you want to ride for a company ride their parts. Because if you're riding, I don't know, an AO deck, and what to ride for like, Envy so to say, it's not going to happen.


E: To add to that, also just pick up a camera and film you, and your friends, That's probably the best bet. Not only is it beneficial, but the memories made are so worth it, also the technical skills you develop are worth something in this day and age.


J: Just make a video, it doesn't even matter, you could make a video on your phone, honestly.

Think about what we're going to be able to show our kids? my kids going to be like:

"Dad you're not sick."

"I'll be like, No i was sick at one point"


E: MtMoneyy wants to know what your favourite ice cream is?


J: Ben and Jerry's dairy free, PB Cookies, that one's gas, or some pistachio gelato, if we're talkin boujee.


E: David ferguson wants to know if you're missing Wawa?


J: Yeah, no question honestly. I wouldn't be vegan if I lived on the east coast still. There's too much good food.


E: I've never had wawa, but if it's anything like Timmies, I can understand.


J: Yeah dude, Tim Horton's is the gas.


E: Who was your biggest inspiration to start riding? and where do you get your motivation from?


J: Ryan upchurch is my biggest inspo. Easily. Because he was like the Delaware hero, y'know? and now I would say it's a solid balance between Glen Fox (Magenta skateboards) and Devon Smillie. Skateboarding and BMX, those are both the kings, so like quick feet, and just crazy fakie manuals, clustered into my head. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be anybody.


 Glen Fox "Just Cruise" - Magenta, 2016



E: You got any other skaters or bikers, you defintely take inspiration from you think?


J: My homie from Delaware, David Ferguson, made me like really want to flow, even though I still can't, I still like love that. I kind of hate Courage Adams riding, Like I hate it, but it's very inspirational. Jacob Cable is another, and Brandon Begin, because he's always been a close friend, and he's like pushed me to do what I do nowadays. And then lastly Jordan Capece, that was like my kick start into, "Oh you ride a bike like how I ride a scooter, so like we should be friends"


E: It's easy to spot hunt that way for sure


J: It's perfect, yeah.


E: Do you have any music influences, Which I'm going to assume is towards your riding? Or just everyday life. If you guys don't know already, Jon did a TKFM article on Trendkill, you guys can check that out too.


J: I mean (Lil) Tracy makes me feel like a bad b*tch, but like, and then turnstile makes me want to kill somebody. and it's just a very solid balance between like a lot of soundcloud music, and like a lot of old rap music, like Mobb Deep is what I grew up on, so I'm big into that, like alchemist, like Action Bronson, but then again, I like, like the worst music ever, like people talking about things I can't even say on this live chat, and screaming about it, y'know? But like when I was a kid, like 15 or so, I'd listen to NeverShoutNever, and there's still days where I'm like, well, "I listened to that". So it goes everywhere, My music taste is all over. I listen to a lot of blues, a lot of jazz, it all depends. if you were in the car with me, you'd be shook, it goes from one thing to the other.

E: How much do you ride your scooter?


J: I mean that varies heavily. I would say, On average, maybe three times a week, if not four. There's times where I don't ride for like two weeks straight. It all depends, because, I don't like going to skate parks. So it's like I'll either go out to film, or just stay home and do other stuff, y'know.


E: Do you think the more you ride your scooter, like even riding around town, assists in the formation of one's style?


J: I mean like, maybe? That's a weird question. I guess like the amount of slaps on curbs I've done just riding has probably really helped me out. Like pushing to the coffee shop, y'know in a sense, so.. yeah, yeah.

E: What’s your favorite trick?


J: Tough one......Wallie 180. That's like a daily fun one. You could just be cruising down the street, hit that real quick and your like "damn that felt good".


E: You ever under rotate one of those?


J: ....Yes. Plenty of times.


E: Worst feeling.


E: Thatguyfromtheskatepark wants to know: "Why is his scoot always 'janky' doe?"


J: Because you need lee-way, like you need movement. Like if land in Fakie manual, and your scooter's dialed. You're gonna fall. Like you don't have any movement, dude I don't know. Like skateboard trucks have wobble. Bike tires have tire pressure, My scooter being that loose just means that I have some sort of lee-way.


E: Booter Jibs: Would you ever come to Canada to film a part?


J: Yes.


E: You got an ideal destination?


J: I have no clue. Take me wherever you guys go, I don't care. I want to film in the cold, I want to be able to like bundle up with a hoodie, and like a windbreaker, again, like I used to. You know how hard it is to film in a hoodie here? (San Diego) Like I want to wear a hoodie for a clip, I can't. Halfway through the clip, I'm like, "I'm gonna pass out, this sucks"


E: What trick took the most tries to get of any video part you've released?


J: That stupid manual, to manual 180 in my last part. 120 tries maybe, for what reason? That or smith-nose-double bar on the downtown ledge, because that trick worked me, and there was like a million people there, that just stressed me out. I would say the most challenging, would be the coalition video, double peg- nose manny- front 180. Because that was like a dream trick, and even though it didn't take me that long realistically, My head was spinning every time I rolled up to it. That's a tough question because there so many aspects that go into doing certain tricks. because there's mental battles, and then there's the physical battles.


E: On that note, How do you nose manny? Everyone wants to know what the cheat codes are?


J: Point your toes, and drop your wrists. Use your shoulders too, it's all in the shoulders.


E: What made you get on, and like North?


J: I quit crisp,and the other Ethan, That most of you probably don't know, "sneether", hit me up. I was sick of riding for stuff I didn't believe in, so I started riding for North, because I believe in all those boys, and here we are now. it was on some homie shit. It wasn't the matter of a paycheck, or opportunity. It was like "Okay, I'm older now, and I want to ride for something that I can make more fun for myself, so here we are".


E: It's definitely a homie team, that's what I love about it.


J: Exactly.


E: What's yours and Hammy's relationship status? Official or still working on it?


J: I would say.... Open. It's an open relationship. We're established though, I'll tell you that. That's the best boy in the world. if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have scooter videos.


E: On that note, since Hammy's in SD now, how beneficial is that to you, not only in riding, but just day to day life?


J: I mean he pisses me off, obviously, that's what friends do. But. I'm able to wake up and be "Yo, I want to film today", and like nine times out of ten he's down to film, so that's good. And, I'm a very anxious person, He dealt with me since I was like 14 years old, so anytime I have any issue, he's right there, and like ready to figure it out. So i would say mentally, emotionally and like scootering wise, he has nothing but enhanced my San Diego lifestyle


E: Jackson Brower wants to know the most bizarre thing you've seen, or happened to you while riding a spot?


J: I saw a homeless dude jerkin' off one time, that was pretty gnarly. I saw a homeless dude at a bus stop naked, like straight naked. Me and Hammy were filming the other day, and he went and decided to go smell some homeless camps food, and he threw up on the spot, which was pretty interesting.... so those three, they all have to do with the hobo thing. I feel like the craziest things happen with them. One time we were crossing a street, and these two cars, I think we caused a car accident, like I genuinely do. Like I think the girl looked at us as we were crossing, and she like gassed it and just T-boned a truck. And we were probably three feet away from the whole situation. Like it was right next to me, it sounded like a bomb went off. That ones definitely in the running too, so those are my top four.


E: What type of animal do you want to reincarnate into?


J: Dude I don't know. I'd say a dog, like a dachshund probably.


E: Would you start a scooter brand yourself?


J: I don't know. Eventually probably? once I'm too old to ride. But that's kind of what Evil's for. Like the gang decided to just do this thing, and it's working y'know? Like it's not me that started it, it's all of us. I don't really want to do anything else, Like I've worked on cars and stuff, but honestly scootering has done more for me than anything, so I'd like to give back eventually.


E: What's your favourite parts other than your deck?


J: The wheels. North wheels are so good, like not even like paid to say that, they're actually so good. Hammy wouldn't even ride anything other than Proto's, but now he's on North wheels. And they come in gum colorways, what other color wheel would you even want? Nobody makes Gum wheels anymore, Like the Ryan Gould wheels are gone, it's the best option.


E: 30 wide Jon Dev signature wheels?


J: Never. I don't like the wide wheels. Everybody thinks they're better for manuals, and I think a hard N-O on that one. To each their own.


E: Backside or Frontside, which is the go to?


J: I'm naturally dick-footed, so I'm going to say frontside, but if it comes down to it, I'm just going to say both, because it gives you more variety. Front 180 bar down a stair set feels so much better than back 180.


E: Do you have a favorite movie?


J: It would be Grind or Place beyond the Pines. If we're talking comedy and like fun, Grind. If we're talking like actual movie, Place beyond the Pines.

E: You got a favorite beverage at the moment?


J: Sparkling water of any sort.


E:  What do you think are the main pros and cons of the East vs West coast debate?


J: People on the west coast are weird as f*ck. and the East coast gets cold and you can't ride for like 3 months.


E: You think spots are cleaner on the west coast? you think it's more crusty on the east?


J: No. I think it's an even balance of garbage and garbage. They're all crusty.


E: Who's your favorite rider?


J: I gotta pay closer attention. Ask me that one in like a month and I'll figure it out.


E: What inspired you to make your signature deck gray?


J: I've always wanted a gray deck. It's a good color, it's neutral, it works with every color ever.


E: What inspired your deck graphic?


J: We ain't gotta get all personal or nothing like that, I've had a real solid issue with like depression and anxiety my entire life, and that was kind of what it went off of. And if you saw the little street sign that was in there, that's my home, that's the house that I grew up on. It's dark, it's scary, but it's also like comforting at the same time. Things can get pretty gnarly and scary sometimes, but you can't really do anything about it, that's kind of where the graphic came from.


You can pick up Jon's deck here!

E: So you're at a spot, you can only take either a photo or a video? which one you doing?


J: Ever since Hammy sold his camera, I'm going to say photo. Because hammy used to be the photo boy. Now his the Filmer boy, but I really miss when he would get the quick snap, and I'd be like, damn that looks really good. For something that's going to last a little bit longer, I'd say a clip.


E: What's the most satisfying trick you've done this year?


J: Probably, I don't know, that's a tough one.  I've filmed some stuff lately that I've been pretty stoked on, so we're just going to keep that in the running.


E: You got an all time favorite video?


J: You ever seen like 2008 Josh Young? I don't remember what that video is called, but that will always be the best scooter rider that puts out the best clips. Dude, fakie manny's with the brake? It's Josh Young forever. and other than that, I would say any of Dan Barret's old parts, like you remember the Proto box video? that was on Vimeo or something? That was a heater.



E: Tutty said Heatwave v2?


J: Damn, That's a move. 


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