We took some time to catch up with our guy Love, who just recently dropped a new video on the North channel titled: "Hey, Just Breathe.". The video dropped on their birthday, so if you haven't already, make sure you send over your birthday wishes to @shouldiworry!
What’s good man, How have you been living? What’s new, what are you looking forward to at the moment?
Hey! I been living good,a lot things going on at the same time but its all part of working towards a future that iam very excited for.
Working with North recently has been very enjoyable, even though it can be hard to balance at times with going to uni full time. But I only have 6 months left of that so hopefully the future is gonna involve even more scootering.
I wanted to link up to talk about your new video you just dropped on the North channel “Hey, Just Breathe.”. First off, how’d you end up titling the video?
I think it’s kind of based of me never really finishing any scooter project, I tend to just way overthink everything I do which leads me to not really doing anything at all sometimes. So with this project I tried to just create what I was capable of producing at this time and let it go once I felt it was finished, and not think to much about it.

Photo by Jackson Smith (@jacksonsmint/@_.Jacksonsmith._)
Another topic I wanted to touch on was the B-roll you had in this piece. Right off the bat we’re hit with these beautiful visuals, whether it be a scenic lake, or experimentation with projections. Did you shoot a lot of this stuff with intention to use it in this video, or did you just end up filming them over time spontaneously?
This project was my first real scooter project I’ve done with this camera(other than a small montage-type which I was was for filming for at the same time). So I found my self just filming a lot of different things trying to get better at understanding what looks good and what doesn’t with this setup and just in videos in general. So I guess it’s kind of a mix of spontaneity and doing things on purpose for the vid.
The video is what I like to call a “two-parter” for lack of a better term, meaning you’ve got two separate tracks in this video. How’d you decide on the music you used? I know you’re a big fan of Bones, but was there any other particular reason you used the tracks you did?
I think music is very important for videos, it kind of sets the mood for everything. Even though I’m not really as big of a Bones fan as I was when I was a teenager I’ve always wanted to do a video part with one of his songs, just to have done it sorta thing. The other track is by one of my favorite producers Atu. who creates beautiful music, especially with his collab project Sonder. I felt his song in contrast to the bones track would create a cool contrast.
I guess moving into the actual video itself now, How long were you filming for this part? And did it all take place relatively locally? Or did you travel around a bit for this part?
I think some clips were filmed as early as July, but like vast majority was between the beginning august to the end October.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Stockholm this summer, which is around 2 hours away from me, were both Simon and Jackson lives so naturally most clips are filmed there!-
Are there any clips that stand out to you when thinking back to filming this part? Even if not for the clip itself, but the adventures that happened while filming?
I think the line of the double heel flat then feeble - Manny - whip bar stands out because that was probably the first clip we filmed with this camera that I was hyped on how it looked visually. It really got me excited to keep going!
One of my favourite clips in the video has to be the front feeb - truck - front smith -nosey back smith - decade (that might be the longest trick name I’ve ever wrote out). Do you have a favourite clip yourself?
Haha yeah that was def some 2018 type trick, mixing in those combos can be fun even though they easily get stale!
I enjoy the fakie 5050 - half cab heel to foot plant thing. It’s def something that I’m sure not a lot of people would do(and probably would want to do lol) but I think they look quite neat if you do them very sparely and keep the surprise factor of them.

Photo by Jackson Smith (@jacksonsmint/@_.Jacksonsmith._)
Lastly, just to close this one out as I don’t want to keep you too long. Who helped you while filming this part, and are there any shoutouts you want to give before we head out?
North homie and of my best friends Simon Wäneskog filmed the majority id say! So very big shout out to him for sticking up with my annoying ass. But also Jackson Smith filmed a couple of clips, was super fun having him in Stockholm this summer and it def wouldn’t have as good of a time If he wasn’t!
And major thanks to anyone who left nice comments and sent me very kind messages about the vid, it means a lot :) - Love Svensson-

Photo by Love Svensson (@shouldiworry)