We caught up with Skip and Ryan to get the intel on their most recent trip, filming for Sean’s signature deck video, and the process behind it:
What’s good y’all, how ya been, how ya livin?
Skip: I’m doing pretty good, I got a torn tendon in my ankle so I haven’t been riding much just working here and there haha
Recently you both teamed up on a filming trip, where’d you end up heading and how’d it come to be?
Skip: Me and Ryan filmed in DC, I flew out from Seattle and he drove down from Connecticut.
Ryan: yupp we linked up in Washington DC with the homie Wayne Morrison for 8 days.

Is there any reason y’all picked DC? I’ve never been.
Skip: I chose dc because I was born there and I grew up in Maryland so I know the area pretty well
Ryan: DC was Skippy's idea because he grew up in the area and wanted a chance to film at all the spots he used to be stoked on as a kid
How long did you guys stay out there filming?
Skip: We were out there for for a week

Did y'all end up meeting with anyone out there? or just you two filming for the week?
Ryan: Yea! the homie Wayne wasn’t far out in VA so he stayed with us and helped get second angles and JJ Powell came down from Richmond for a day and got some photos too
Word, DC seems like it’s got mint spots, had you ever been before? Or was this a first?
Ryan: Yeah downtown DC was pretty packed with stuff and the outskirts of the city have hidden gems everywhere. I gotta credit Wayne for being our spot guide damn near the whole time and blessing us with pins all over. It was my first time

Nothing like having a tour guide.
The video turned out amazing, and with that said, Ryan, going into this trip did you have anything in mind that you wanted to accomplish with the video? Did you have a game plan, or just rolled with it and got what you got?
Ryan: Hell yeah, thank you dude. I'm stoked on the final product for sure. I didn't have much of a plan going into it. just linked with Wayne and the rest was history